I Love My Job!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

My 4 1/2 year old

My life just seems to be getting more and more crazy. I believe my 4 1/2 year old is suffering from depression or she feels neglected. Maliyah Taiven was born January 9, 2009 at 2:05pm. She was my only child for 4 years. Then January 26, 2013 we had another baby girl named Lilliana. I believe my booger(Maliyah) is feeling like she is no longer in the spot light. Lately she's been saying she can't breath and she holds her saliva in her mouth and says she can't swallow. I know there's nothing medically wrong with her because being the cautious mother I am, when she started saying these things I took her to the ER. They checked her throat, tonsils, and they even ran an x-ray just to make sure she hadn't swallowed something she wasn't suppose to. Everything came back picture perfect. While waiting for the doctor to come and give us her results I started playing with her to try and distract her from whatever mind game she was playing on herself. She did okay swallowing and playing. Not once while playing did she complain about her throat hurting or her saliva. Then I really knew it was an attention issue when she went with her dad today for a while. She got home and he said she started acting funny when they started heading home. I've been keeping her busy like when she took a bubble bath I asked if she'd like if I'd sit and talk with her. She said yes and not once did she complain. Then when she was out of the tub and in our room watching TV she seen I was tending to her sick little sister and she started coughing and acting like she was going to cough something up. She spanks her chest like she has something in her throat. I know she doesn't though. The x-rays proved that to me. I told my husband I was going to work some Mali and Me Time into my crazy, work from home mom life! I pray this works out and my booger starts feeling all the love. I really don't mean to have her feeling this way. I pray she goes back to the crazy Mali-Wali I knew before all this crazy attention action. See Lilliana really is a needy little one, I mean she's just 5 months old. Maliyah acting like this I believe will come to pass. 
Signing off.
Over and out, Mali & Lilly's Mum.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

abcmouse.com review

I had been struggling to get my 4 year old to focus. I tried sitting with her and practicing writing her name and numbers. To my very loud and outgoing Maliyah this was only fun for about 5 minutes. I really need her at her best, see because she starts school in 3 months. So when I seen the abcmouse.com commercials that had the first month free(after that it's about the price of Netflix each month 7.95), I couldn't help but think 'Well it doesn't hurt to try'. Sounds so cliche, but I really thought this! haha. Well she's been doing it for about 2 weeks now and let me say, she's been doing great! My daughter wasn't wanting to give the time of day to learning. But just last week her grandmother bought her a book of pre k studies and I opened the book and pointed to the letter A and asked my big girl what letter is this and she shouted "That's the letter A, A is for apple!". I was shocked and so proud! This was coming from a little girl who didn't want to learn. She wanted to draw all day and color. But never learn anything outside of fun. Let me just say abcmouse.com is a brilliant website for kids. This website lets you set up an avatar for your kiddo, buy a hampster and fish tank! The little classroom that holds all the learning levels is too cute. Everything is colorful and vibrant. I can honestly say abcmouse.com is a great choice. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

1,000 Marbles

Okay so after lunch that burned my stomach and a spirit filled morning at church my husband, my 2 girls and myself stopped at the Dollar General on the way home. We planned to buy some little pots  and flowers for my oldest to plant. Well walking in we started looking for pots and little seeds. Me being the book worm I am, I seen a little box on top of the soda cooler that read, 'Bargain Books' I HAD to see what was in it. I found a christian book with little reminder scriptures that are total greatness! What I found next not only was a steal at $1, but was an eye opener! I picked up the book 1,000 Marbles By, Jeffrey Davis. I read the little back part and instantly thought 'Wow! So my husband being the savvy shopper he is, he bought me these little books at $1! I was all smiles. Getting home, we start potting my daughters pot and setting the seeds in their spots and I was reminded of this book '1,000 Marbles. I handed my littlest one to her granny and picked up the book. Reading the preface, it hit me like a high raging wave. We're blessed with these little times that my husband and these girls daddy is off of work. He works a 8-5pm, Monday-Friday kinda job. Saturdays aren't our strongest days. Being he works and has extra things like baseball, I try not to bother or disturb his sleep. I wake up most times with our 4 month old at night and I really try my hardest to let him relax. After reading some things out of 1,000 Marbles I've decided and found it to beneficial for our family as a unit that we'll start doing some things out of this awesome book EVERY Saturday. I believe it'll help us grow closer together. Sleeping our Saturdays away and just watching TV when we do wake up isn't benefiting us. I'm making a promise to myself to make this change. The things in the book aren't hard, there's one that says to buy a folding airplane guide and challenge your kiddos to a flight contest! This book I believe will be good for my little family. I'll post a follow up some time soon. Till then, God bless and take care!

- Have you counted your Marbels?
P.S. We're given today and never promised tomorrow.
-Don't waste one God Given day.